Announcing The 2004 Freeland World's Fair Exposition The Original Freeland Collaboration Begins Again This Summer (With a New Twist!)
This project is open to All Batters, Bappers, Customizers, Skinners, Collagists, Illustrators, Photographers, Musicians, Poets, Artists and Designers of All Kinds.
Ever since the first world's fair in London in 1851, the goals of world's fairs have been both high-minded as well as commercial. They also allow people to explore the world outside of their everyday experience - outside cultures, new scientific advancements, and new inventions. As times change, world expositions have changed to fit those times. They continue to reflect both the commercial needs of their times while presenting the ideals, hopes, and aspirations of people even as those evolve. World's fairs are unique in that the everyday person can...feel a part of something new, feel a part of the world community, feel what potential man has for doing good in the world. [Urso S. A. Chappell]
It is the goal of The Freeland World's Fair Exposition to celebrate the creative spirit that links us all together in our moment in time. Whether you create for SimCity 3000, SimCity 4, both - or neither - we invite you to join us in envisioning the ideal, to feel part of the world community and to participate in a rewarding exploration of imagination and collaboration.
If you would like to participate, please visit the World's Fair Forum to present your submission ideas and images, to join in on collective projects and discussions, and for posting any questions you may have regarding the Fair. If you aren't much of a forum person and would like to simply create, then please contact fredfree directly with your idea or submission. Final projects will be presented for viewing and downloading in the Exhibits section as they are received. Details on what files should be sent for submission will be dealt with on a project by project basis.

Announcing The 2004 Freeland World's Fair Exposition The Original Freeland Collaboration Begins Again This Summer (With a New Twist!)
This project is open to All Batters, Bappers, Customizers, Skinners, Collagists, Illustrators, Photographers, Musicians, Poets, Artists and Designers of All Kinds.
Ever since the first world's fair in London in 1851, the goals of world's fairs have been both high-minded as well as commercial. They also allow people to explore the world outside of their everyday experience - outside cultures, new scientific advancements, and new inventions. As times change, world expositions have changed to fit those times. They continue to reflect both the commercial needs of their times while presenting the ideals, hopes, and aspirations of people even as those evolve. World's fairs are unique in that the everyday person can...feel a part of something new, feel a part of the world community, feel what potential man has for doing good in the world. [Urso S. A. Chappell]
It is the goal of The Freeland World's Fair Exposition to celebrate the creative spirit that links us all together in our moment in time. Whether you create for SimCity 3000, SimCity 4, both - or neither - we invite you to join us in envisioning the ideal, to feel part of the world community and to participate in a rewarding exploration of imagination and collaboration.
If you would like to participate, please visit the World's Fair Forum to present your submission ideas and images, to join in on collective projects and discussions, and for posting any questions you may have regarding the Fair. If you aren't much of a forum person and would like to simply create, then please contact fredfree directly with your idea or submission. Final projects will be presented for viewing and downloading in the Exhibits section as they are received. Details on what files should be sent for submission will be dealt with on a project by project basis.
