In Scrap Book, FF takes the saved magazine and newspaper clippings of a friend’s late mother, reconfigures them through cropping, flipping and rearranging and makes his slightly off version of a scrap book. Classic TVS, chairs and sixties fashion, an ad for a local cesspool service, assorted death announcements and promotions and a headline about a kid who makes money off troll clothes are just some of the highlights. Cover comes in four different colors to chose from. (6/13)
Freed and Visited, part of ABC's ABCED project, are now in Munich at the Museum Brandhorst (6/6 - 9/22/13) as part of the second leg of the Ed Ruscha Books & Co. Exhibit. (6/13)
New Jersey Drive-In is FF's newest book. It was 80 years ago this month when the first drive-in movie theater in America opened in New Jersey not far from where FF grew up. This book informally documents current (1) and former (51) drive-in movie theater locations in New Jersey as seen on Google Maps as of June 2013. (6/13)
Fellow ABC artists, Andreas Schmidt and Jonathan Lewis, have created a book and curated the exhibit, "Serious Double Acts" at Marcus Campbell ArtBooks in London in which they have paired up 16 ABC books with books already in the store. (FF's book, tropical velasquez style is juxtaposed with a book of Kurt Schwitters' work by Werner Schmalenbach) (5/13)
Like Like Like Like Like is a new project from FF: liking the non-internet like it was the internet. (5/13)
FF's contribution to Farhad Bahram's project, "Dialography". (4/13)
The first two "standard course" books are done: selection and use + tomorrow’s miracles. Each book comes with one of the original collages from the series. (4/13)
Laura Tringali Holmes' new series tackled FF's work this week. (4/13)
Three pieces from FF's "useful reading" series (far right) in the "Medley" exhibit at The Chicago Urban Art Society. The show is up until the end of May. (4/13)